Harris L. Kligman's "Her Father's Daughter" remains a global sensation on Amazon!
Meet Kathy Longrin, a lawyer with a remarkable art background. Her life takes an extraordinary turn when she's approached by a man desperate to reclaim priceless artwork stolen from his family during World War II. As Kathy delves deeper into the case, she's drawn into a web of intrigue involving diamonds, stolen art, aging Nazis, Neo-Nazis, and Israeli agents. Along the way, she stumbles upon a hidden secret that will forever alter her destiny.
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Published book titles available by Harris L. Kligman include "The Profession," "The Shaolin Covenant," "Her Father's Daughter," "Life Impossible,", "The Dark" , "The Original Alphabet Gang" "The Day the Night Did Not Come", "Kill Alexis Markovic","Requiem For A Soldier", "The Treasure",The World of Nicholas Lord, "The Wordman", and Hakoah.
Audiobook tittles are also available for purchase through Audible, iTunes and Amazon. Audible stores distributes each title in the US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Australia, and Japan.