Narrated by Mark Williams, an award winning broadcasting veteran whose 40 years of experience takes Harris L. Kligman's second audio book release "Her Father's Daughter" to unprecedented heights. "Her Father's Daughter" follows Kathy Longrin, a lawyer with an extensive art background, who is recruited by a man trying to recover priceless artwork stolen from his family during World War II. Kathy soon finds herself immersed in a world of diamonds, stolen art, aging Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Israeli agents and discovers a secret that will change her life forever.
"Her Father's Daughter" and "The Shaolin Covenant" audio books are available for purchase through Audible, iTunes and Amazon. Audible stores will distribute "Her Father's Daughter" in the US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Australia, and Japan.
Now on sale, Harris L. Kligman's sixth novel release,"Kill Alexis Markovic" and second children's book, "The Day the Night Did Not Come."
About the author:
Harris L. Kligman is born and educated in the "City of Brotherly Love," the author left Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in his early twenties. For over thirty-five years, he interacted with various military governments and business entities who dominated the spheres of influence throughout the Far East, Africa, and South America. A linguist, a devotee to the Martial Arts (holder of a Black Belt in Hapkido, earned while living in South Korea) and a retired United States Army Intelligence Officer who is also cross-trained as an Infantry Officer, the author brings his varied experiences to his novels.
About the narrator:
Mark Williams has spent most of his adult life behind a microphone. Over a 40 year career in
broadcasting he worked at radio stations in various cities across the country including Utica,
San Diego, Memphis and Baltimore. He spent 20 years as a part of the top rated Laurie
DeYoung Morning Show on WPOC in Baltimore earning a CMA Award for Best Major Market
Morning Show in 2014. Since 2017 he has been a freelance voiceover artist, recording
commercials, corporate presentations, educational and instructional videos and audiobooks.